To From SuBJect: EEE EERIE ISIE OSUMEOVET @ OrriCE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY e@ OFFICE PAEMOKANM EY Date: December 27, 1971 Henry S. Kaplan, M.D. Department of Radiology Joshua Lederberg Chairmanship, Department of Radiology I read your letter about stepping down from Radiology with a real sense of compassion, but not with any uncertainty of feelings. You have been the pillar of strength in the development of our school, and at no time, even during the worst of our conflicts, have I had anything less than the deepest respect for your purposes and accomplishments. But I know you will be much happier in the role implied by cancer biology, one in which the challenges of innovation in science and in therapy weigh reasonably heavier than the administrative and political efforts of a large department, What you now envisage is in fact very similar to the kind of position I have tried to build for myself, and hope to continue to enjoy. And I think you know that you have my consistent and conscientious support in that development, , This may not always be obvious, And indeed there are issues - like centralization of authority of a cancer center ~ on which our views have conflicted, But much more than you may realize, my efforts have been tore a struggle to articulate a formula that I feel has a chance of working, through the reconciliation of divergent interests of others, than a strong polarization on my part for a particular pattern. I am sure that our current Cancer Center planning effort was in grave risk of collapse at several points save for compromises in which I was much more arbiter than protagonist, notwithstanding I did a lot of the talking. a Anyhow, Henry, I am very much behind you in this new effort, and I hope you will have a place for my participation as a Scientific colleague - so the sooner the political hassles are cleared up, the better. GYO4NVIS © WNAGNVYOW3W 391540 e ALISMFIAINN GYOINYIS «© 2 YOWS3W 3WD4d4O e ALISUZAINN ve iG *”LY Y vis ° WNONYV Hew N wo? WNONVYOW3W ADO © ALISHIAINN ee