MEMO FROM TO: : J. LEDERBERG uw RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT A Ricnsen RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA JUL 10 970 Dear Arthur: _ ... Having first seen 1 only a. passing news ..paragraph on it, I_was. just. about. to. write you for a copy of your testimony when this _Came across my desk. I wish some of your critics found as much emphasis on the cau- .tionary_remarks I_have bracketed. (which de- tine the zone-of our-mutual agreement as on _the. hypotheses that you offer here with .. great... tg EEE SRR OR Perhaps. the on eet thing ‘about. your testimony is that- it wag. sponsored _by- a notorious racist,.and. I _hope. this. will not obscure the real merit —_of your proposal for unbiased research on ~ individual. differences, urt th whol, | of emer Coctecar ! keane “I"hope you will, forgive me for the remark _ that more aggressive statements of the hypo- “thesis of a large genetic factor in inter- ~Yacial difference will interfere with the de- tachment we all baday— needs ___In that. game_spirit, I am_sorry for. the. . tone with, which my remarks were colored,. in the context of the recent Life article... _Was not. misquated (as best I_can recall) but _Idid_not.-have_an-opportunity to read the. - overall text, and my critical remarks. came -- Out with: edge than I... _would_ have. co! 1dc —I_thank you may have -- #0mMe.. sympathy for that—kind of problem in. communications vis journalistic channels « _ Nor would T assign any malice to {he writer ral quotes, and I believe he caught my main corrections.)