HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL eo a rhe ote abe ake Sc Se M 49% +, *, ve “7 MEP EEN IO HONG OG Het ag Re Dear Adriano I am here briefly for a meeting of the Committee on Disarmament to discuss biological warfare arms control, The book by Roszak is almost out of print, but I did lo- cate a copy in Washington and drépped it off to you at Orly on soute. It is not very satisfactory in many ways, but it does give some measure of the new anti-intellec- tualism we have to cope with these days. If you would give me some more details of the «xtent and focus of your interest, I would be giad to reply with more thoughtful surggestionson contemporary literature. For my part, I am starting on a project with the Pond Center for behavioral studies at Stanford (the"think- ~ tank")on various aspects of science policy -- I am looking pe for seme analytical (contra polemical) approaches to t the u.derstanding of “technopathy", the injury to human pot welfare that may be associated with setence (lnowledge) and with technology; ie., the basis to understand how to civilize the latter. I am not very happy with most of the formulations I know, but there are useful fragments by many authors, e.g. Dubos (Dreams of Reason) Ferkiss; Herbert Mulier (children of Frankenstein) j, Mond ord (Myth of the Machine) and Barber (Science and the Social Order). But let me have some cues for 4 more efficient res- ponse on my part, May Ia sk you a favor-~ to find for me, if ossible, a copy of Julian Huxley's personal manifesto that was his initial definition of the aims of UNESCO (and which, I velieve) caused some storm when it was first issued. Please do not neglect to visit us again the next time you're in California. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg