united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization i organisation des nations unies pour |’éducation, la science et la culture place de Fontenoy, Paris-7¢ téléphone : 566-57.57, 705-97.49, 705 -99.48 cables : Unesco Paris télex : 27 662 Paris reference: ADG/Sce/ PERSONAL 6 July 1970 Dear Joshua: A short time ago, I saw Luca in Milan and in the course of the conversation about the so-called crisis in science, he mentioned that you had given a speech on the subject to the conference of the American Psychological Association. He also mentioned a book by Rozak on "The meaning of the counter-culture". I am very much interested in these matters ~ both at the personal and at the professional level - since here at Unesco we are planning to study the problem with the cooperation of some leading scientists and opponents of science. Would it be possible for you to let me have a copy of your lecture and a copy of the book (it sometimes takes a long time to get a book from the United States through local booksellers). é Thank you for any help you can give in this respect. po If you happen to come to Europe and can make a stopover in Paris, I should be delighted to see you. Cordially, NM . A.A. Buzzati-Traverso Assistant Director—Jenera or Science (dictated, but not signed due to absence) Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School Stanford University PALO ALTO, California U.S.A.