eT UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AUG 5 1966 WESTERN PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE AND CLINIC 3811 O'HARA STREET PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, 15213 PHONE 683-1620 AREA CODE 412 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY HENRY W. BROSIN, M.D. August 1, 1966 Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Doctor Lederberg: Tos hua I have always admired your manifold activities but Iam astonished at your energy and ability to track down the quotation from A. N. Whitehead and your remembrance of our earlier conversation on the subject. I am pleased to have this revival of the Whitehead quotation which has been known to me from time to time in the past when I review THE AIMS OF EDUCATION. It is an acute insight, like many others, which is thrilling upon confrontation but which fades rapidly from memory if it is not tied to some concrete circumstance. Over the years I have used various quotations from Whitehead and Freud to illustrate the thesis that the purpose of thought is action as a common sense approach to some of our philosophical dilemmas. “ as I very much appreciate your sending the quotation on to me and hope that I1@# reciprocate in the future. Cordially, Task Henry W. Brosin, M. D. Director ? set VY . t om