BREEN New address: » Instituto de Bifisica ~Y v Av.fasteur 458 Se Kio de Janeiro/Brasil Postkarte Dr. J. Lederberg ~ : J . — , Deot, of enetics C.oresch - University of Wisconsin fa, esate ‘Chemie. \ Gattingen ye Bunstnstrae 16 : . USA (EBS) -Sotetstedopostaria Fritz Baumgarten Soin, Hannaver-Kirchrode . Pe 4.6.59 Max-Planck-Institut Géttingen, fur physikalische Chemie Bunsenstrafe 10 - Telefon 3653, Apparat Dear Dr. Lederberg : Thank you very much for the lot of reprints you sent ine some days ago ! I hope I will be able to send you within the next weeks 2 pavers of my lab. One of them proovin: tnet the crossing over model of phage parins is wrong - tne other showing that the probability of meting is rather indenenieht of the number of vegetative nha varti¢@les in the cell. oes? best regards sincerely Soa gyrA Cartier fren, ¢