April 1, 1966 Dr. Victor E. Halli Brain Information Service School of Medicine University of Chlifornia Los Angeles, California 90024 Dear Dr. Hall: Through a chain whose last links were Brad Rogers and Miss Darling, I have learned of the existence of your Brain Information Service, and I am writing to ask you whether you could contemplate adding me to the list of participants, even during what I readily understand to be its preliminary experimental phases. While my principal responsibilitygs are of course in experimental work, I am also deeply involved in the planning and implementation of computer and information services within the School of Medicine. Besides the service that I might expect to ask for from you I think I might be able to offer the benefit of considerable experience in the critical evaluation of information systems. I was, for example, on the PSAC panel on scientific information a couple of years ago, and I am currently working with NASA and with the Institute for Scientific Information on profile-oriented current awareness systems. None of these, as I am sure you would predict, is very satisfactory. I would then be particularly interested if I can be put on your roster for the current alerting service and would appreciate any consideration you can give me in this regard. In doing this I could either reflect my own personal in- terests in developmental protein neurobiochemistry, or if it were more in keeping with your own policies I could tie together with a number of my cOlleagues here covering a much wider span of neurophysiological research. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics / MoLd ’ 774-4