ScHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY. STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 043505 May 4, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JOSEPH D. GRANT PROFESSOR 4 OF GENETICS Dr. John Bowers Macy Foundation 1 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10021 Dear John: I think you will have to accept some responsibility (credit?) for the situation I will be finding myself in starting this fall, since you were responsible for my first dive into the pool of administrative responsibility 23 years ago. I have been making a few frenetic visits back and forth to New York, a process that will continue until September when my family and I settle in. I am looking forward to what I trust will really be a somewhat quieter time in which to reach out for the renewal of old acquain- tences and to integrate ourselves in a new environment. In fact, it is obvious that the one thing that can make New York City an attractive alternative to suburban life in California is the enormous wealth of intellectual and institutional resources so conveniently to hand. For a ‘place like The Rockefeller University, with its specialized mission and potential impetus for parochial introversion, this is especially important. I am sure you need no introduction to the University as a center of biomedical research and I will be looking for informed advice on how to achieve still higher standards of integration of its more basic with clinically applied intramural effort, and how to facilitate bringing that work to the service of human needs outside. One particular strikes me as deserving urgent attention: Totally lacking in representation from the social sciences, by which I know mean economics, political science, decision theory, the University is not as well able to contribute to important health policy debates as its great strength in the biomedical sciences might otherwise aver. I am not at all sure what institutional arrangements would be best to fill out a policy analytic perspective that is equally important for the University and for the nation put I believe that this is an aim that very badly needs attention. Other places would be better suited to focus on the health services side of such policy problems; I had in mind rather the general areas of environmental health and preventive measures and a global outreach. Bowers Page 2 5-4-78 I am sure that you have given a good deal of attention yourself to most of these questions and I am looking forward to some chance to discuss them with you in much greater detail. Meanwhile, I will not apologize for my secretary's gaffe which I trust was only a minor inconvenience in dropping some reports in your secretary's lap: In fact I would not have minded at all if some copies had been abstracted for your own attention. One of these days I will bring around a set in person. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics P.S. John, if it were convenient for you to send me two copies of the publication mentioned in the attachment I would appreciate it.