Ortdos JUN 22 1970 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Boulder, Colorado 80302 INSTITUTE OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE June 19, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg, Thank you for your letter and the enclosures, which I have read with great interest. Economists have really not done very much with the development of a good concept of the Net National Product, which is what we really need. Part of the problem is that it is very hard to assess the relative impact of exhaustion of known resources and the development of new knowledge about resources. On the whole, in the last two hundred years we have probably developed known resources faster than we could use them up, but obviously this process may not, indeed cannot go on forever. Whether there are any real signs of slackening in it, however, it is hard to tell. It is also, of course, very difficult to assess the "cost" element in the GNP, like commuting, cleaning up pollution, and disposing of "bads." : I am enclosing a bibliography and I am sorry that I have exhausted my supply of "The Menace of Methuselah." Yours sincerely, fist 3 1G whhy _— Kenneth E. Boulding P.S. I have authored an article entitled "Fun and Games with the Gross National Product--The Role of Misleading Indicators in Social Policy." It appears in The Environmental Crisis, Harold W. Helfrich, Jr., ed. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970. KB: vw Encl.