Pwfessor Kenneth Boulding Institute of Behavioral Science Univeristy of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 97 32- Sau 32,2 WY / STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg Merch 31, 1970 Dear Prof. Boeulding-- I have been experiencing an intense deja-vu in ean (overdue) reading of some of your writings -- specifically your piece in Publ.. Interest Fall '66, and in Env. Qual. (RfF Forum G) -- I had unconsciously echoed your remark about the importence of posterity in the article enclosed herein (Stockholm '69);. put you will find that theme alsc’in my piece in the anthology (Beyond Left end Right) -- by the way, did you know that Shockley had @ppropriated the baby-li- cense scheme you presented in your own article therein? The specific purpose of this note is_to ask whether you or others have pursued the program of factoring out the "real" product in GHP (@ p. 9 of Env. Quel. ); cen this be distingyished from the tas of senerating a social indicator Oud decontivy protect, ? May I ask you then for the favor of any bibliography or good overview of this theme? Are you the author of @ piece entitled " Playing gomes with the GUP?! If you have a list of your own writings overall, I would eppreciste that too. _é pr Mey I also ask you for your-paper on "The Menace of Methuselah"? Do you have any more on bio/economics? 4 nk, predlise fe sy, ol bog Neola tales thers. Lr. Josepu P. KENNEDY, Jr. LaBoraToriEs For MoLEcuLAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine 99107008 Lanka