JOSHUA LEDERBERG 1464 PITMAN AVENUE PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94301 Area Code 415 Tel, 321-2764 July 11, 1969 Dear Mr. Bodi My respect and affection for you are such that I would hope you would never print such an inflammatory letter as the one I wrote you. I would not put my name end address on that contribution out of concern for my family's safety: why should I plant a dangerous sasso~- ciation in a psychotic mind. And the same considerations ought to influence your judg- ment in printing such material. I understand your point about the public interest in knowing what the police ere up WO ogainst. My complaint was only thet you went © into such factuol detail in spreading the re- cipes for violence. You are right that the — dedicated guerillas have their own information. But your story does spresed it far wider than that; perhaps you do not share my pessinisn about how many of your potential readers are paychotic juveniles. I hope I am wrong in predicting that we are going to experience a wave of imitations of that article in juvenile'pranks'with spiked cherry bombs. And please do not print my letter=-- really I don't want them tossed your wey. s Would you be interested in pursuing this question over a Luncheon discussion? I think I could recruit some of my psychietrist friends (who will have more expert knowledge than I pre- tend to) te join us. #, Sincerely,