Palo_Alto Times P.O. BOX 300 PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94302 July 9, 1969 Alexander Bodi Editor Dear Dr. Lederberg: You apparently have overlooked the attached editor's note concerning our Forum letter policy. As you see, we do not publish anonymous letters, So far as the "fringe lunatics" are concerned, they already have their instructions from the New Left manuals we quoted, plus other radical pfblications., I doubt that any of them would learn fluch from our story in the Times-- if they read it. The article obviously was intended to show our readers what the police and the public are up against in dealing with radical violence, It certainly isn't intended to encourage "fringe lunatics" as I am sure you don't intend your letter to be an invitation to "emotionally disturbed juveniles" to toss Molotov cocktails and spiked cherry bombs our way. you would like us to publish your letzver--with your name--I'll be happy to do it, along with an editor's note, eS it obviously calls for in answer, Cea , le , ‘ (Letters inteaded for use in those in the. rest of the Forum column should not — Mostly in San Frade be longer than 488 words. All Some have a record of grant- communications addressed to ing more abortions to married the editer are subject te being women than single, which ob- cut. Shorter letters will re. viously represents a desire to treatment, Punish for immorality, Since a typewritten child is the innocent victim, te be easily this is surely the height of say. legible, Letters must carry the 8€ery. It is the unwanted, un- the loved child who suffers — no’ writer. The Times does not the unborn, Any law whic ish “anonymous Véllérs, _- PEtmits such inequities makr = a farce of obedience to the la The Los Angeles Cow USC General Hospital has averaca af 1 eacac a r