xenocory UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO BERKELEY -» DAVIS - IRVINE - LOS ANGELES - RIVERSIDE « SAN DIEGO » SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA + SANTA CRUZ A Trieuta te the Peepte of Califerae DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY P, O. BOX 109 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 August 12, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: As you will see from the letterhead, I have moved recently, a reason for prolonged silence. In the meantime I have done a fair amount of spadework concerning a tissue culture bank of endangered species. I am amaged how relatively little true enthusiasm (with any follow-through) I have met. 51 Dr. Benson though shares my concern and I hope that his interest will see the matter through the initial rough spots. The enclosed will give you a picture of where matters stand. I believe this zoo would be an ideal place for such a repository. If and when I need your vocal support I hope that I can call on you. \ a Sincgrely, yours, a Kurt Benirschke, \ KB: dmj Enclosure