United States Court of Appenls Washington, B.C. 20001 Chanthers of December 22, 1967 Basid GT. Bazelon Chief Judge Dr. Joshua Lederberg School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I know you will be interested in Bob Beauregard's attached memorandum on his NIMH Council followup for me. I would only ask that you keep its contents confidential. As you can see, there is some variance between the way Dr. Davis expects me to function as a Council member and my own ideas! It demonstrates for me even more clearly than at the meeting the need to be more knowledgeable about Council business earlier, overall, and in final disposition. Thanks for the copies of your past year's weekly column. You stir my own concerns, and recent Post articles indicate you've been working overtime. The District of Columbia, as you are well aware, has the onimous distinction of maintaining high infant mortality despite a large group of both public and private health care resources. Some of the reasons are only too familiar to you, but I have Bob involved in pursuing some of these concerns with key District Health, Welfare, and other people. I shall keep you advised, if you wish. Warmest regards. Sincerel P. 5 Vang Che Hoenn. stp Wh Ene losure pancalt. of Wray btud Mud Aten dane . Bai, Apad of dee? AQytiinr®, .