7239 8D JAMES O, EASTLAND, MISS., CHAIRMAN JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, ILL. SAM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. HIRAM L. FONG, HAWAIE PHILIP A. HART, MICH. HUGH SCOTT, PA, EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. STROM THURMOND, S.C. . BIRCH BAYH, IND. MARLOW W, COOK, KY. mle ft 2 State net QUENTIN N. BURDICK, N. DAK. CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR., MD. Write 5 e e JOSEPH D, TYDINGS, MD. ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JOHN H. HOLLOMAN III WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR September 25, 1970 Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Mr. lederberg: 7) Thank you for your recent letter dealing with 5. J. Res. 1. I recognize that nothing in the proposed Constitutional Amendment would preclude a pair of candidates who have agreed to run together from appearing on the ballots of different states, each running for President in some states and Vice President in other states. However, we feel that since the candidates have to agree to run together as a pair, there would be no