4 OQ ve 3 a December 19, 1974 Dr. Paul Baumann © Department of Bacteriology University of California, Davis Davis, California 95616 Dear Dr. Baumann, Thank you for your letter of October 7th and for the reprints, Evidently, B. natriegens is not as remarkable as Eagon claimed, Perhaps he had his incubator at 45° (or something). Nevertheless, our little experience with halophilic isolates from San Francisco Bay suggests that the Beneckfas may indeed have cultural chagacteristics desirable for genetic studies. We would then be grateful if you could send us perhaps a dozen diverse strains and whatever further taxonomic information (or pointers to the literature) you have on them. Has the group been looked at serologically ~ a la Kauffmann-White schema for enterobacteriaceae? Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr See Men Kev. Mica 3. 39-61 19707 | pa Deneclun o> Cy f 3 r %