September 25, 1974 Dr. Paul Baumann . Department of Microbiology University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Dear Dr. Baumann, I am writing to you in the light of your extensive publications on the taxonomy and characterization of the Beneckea group. I was very much intrigued to read Eagon's note of a dozen years ago about the very rapid growth~rete of B. natriegens. The biochemical adaptations that are involved in remarkably rapid replication are of very great considerable interest, both from a theoretical stanpoint and for the possibility of providing the most convenient experimental materials. I have not been able to find any further reference to this characteristic and I trust that it still stands as a reliable observation. Can you help me out with respect to that information? Have the other Beneckea strains been looked at from the sane point of view? If there is still some exploration to be done, we would be glad to look at these measures in our own laboratory and would be grateful to you for a sampling of perhaps a dozen representative strains. If some particular organism in this group does stand out on the basis of prior study as being the fastest-growing, especially in defined media, then my task is simplified and I have but to request of you that you send me the corresponding strain and if you would whatever background information is relevant to the optimal exhibition of its growth characteristics. In any case, I would also be grateful if you could send me your recent papers on this group of bacteria. Certainly we owe you a debt for bringing them to our consciousness. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr