SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD. CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JOSEPH D. GRANT PROFESSOR January 18. 1974 OF GENETICS , ? The George and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Office of the Graduate School Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 “ Gentlemen, Professor John Hays Barton of the Stanford Law School has mentioned that he has included my name in the list of references for his application to the foundation for his work on arms control. I have known him as an associate faculty member in the Stanford Arms Control Program and have enjoyed and respected his leadership role in that effort. (I have taken some part in it myself, not immediately in my capacity as a biological scientist but rather through naving had some role in the development of arms control policy in the field of biological warfare). John Barton is certainly a very impressive scholar in this field. He has a perspective as a lawyer, that laws are intended to be obeyed even in the realm of international law for which I must sometimes offer some cynical skepticism. But in our many debates on this question, he has always held up his end with reasoned argument and a considerable fund of background in- formation and insight. The nature and utility of international law certainly deserves.much deeper analysis than it has received. Some of us believe that the use of the word "law" in the relationships among sovereign states has been the source of more confusion than guidance. Others like Professor Barton believe they can demonstrate an interesting continuity between domestic and international law and are beginning to apply empirical measures for the investigation of systems of adherence and compliance that are of inestimable importance in policy guidance for our owm future. He has also been most perceptive in understanding the differences in the way in which arms control agreements are perceived and internalized as between the great powers and those with limited bureaucratic and educational resources. In summary, Professor Barton has presented a program of considerable internal validity and he brings to it very considerable enthusiasm, intelligence and previous experience, so that the entire proposal deserves the highest commendation which I readily offer. Sincerely yours, le f we YA tone ~ Sorta Cnn, 0 Soshua Lederberg - be JL/rr