DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WALTER REED ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF; September 27, 1974 Dr. J. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med. Palo Alto, Calif. 94305 Dear Josh; Thanks for the copy of Emilio Weiss' letter; we agree in all respects with his comments. In regard to the point you raise, all of our experience has been with extrachromosomal elements, and if the situation in Proteus involved one copy per chromo- some (like a lysogenic phage), we would no doubt miss it with the experiments we did. Of course, we could have missed it even if it was extrachromosomal since we have run across some presumed plasmid-containing strains from which we are unable to turn up a circle for some unknown reason. In any case, I just meant to indicate that it wasn't likely to be anything obvious from ‘yhat we could see. I dou st that we will ve doing much sore with it. With best regards, Yours, ae L. S. BARON Dept. Or Bacterial Immunology 'S'1'Nodd