Memo from Lo: | Lou Baron JOSHUA L. ‘DER BERG } JUL 23 1971 | ‘HE ARMY i TE OF RESEARCH e ICAL. CENTER ORIG Tt Incunabula e001 Thank you for the Doorenbos article. You may want to look again at my ancient reviews, which cite some other possibly relevant - literature connected withn Doorenbos. - And what do you think might be said today about 'paragglutination' -- where does Rxaek Proteus OX-19 get its rickettsial-crossreacting antigen; and is there anything to the hetero- phile antigen story? July 19, 1971 See Physiol Rev 32: 403-430 1952 esp. pp 420 Heredity 2:145-198 1948 @183-4 Ann Rev Microb 4:1-22 1949 @17-19 and Am Scientist 44:264-280 1956. P.S. You may (correctly) infer from the last refernce that I did not just discover the SanFelice article; I have been waiting for some time for the Eklund. rt by M. W. Eklund et al. | reprint (Doorenbos, W., We recently came across ? i's Vibrio cholerae mating .cipated some of our pres- ra phages in hemolysin me ndol formation. - nfluenced traits to be un- = I suppose my mcecluding that his observ- I can confirm some of them ipicious. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics sf >? School of Medicine Stanford University : Stanford, California 94305 ur eu LS S. BARON Dept. of Bacterial Immunology 7 / . Fnerterynr, Cou. Te a t Lg vi Cape SE Freres “pou “pile heptrery Leon ple a Fgh, a Soret etlee 104 ? Anders | - HOO Kang, - C7 { He evid-~ be & Yoel VUSW cous eal ce / put (+- (une -$1 None