DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WALTER REED ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012 IN REPLY REFER TO July 19, 1971 Dr. J. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford Univ. Seh. of Med. Palo Alto, Calif. 94305 Dear Josh: Your eomments in Science on the report by M. W. Eklund et al. prompted me to send you the enclosed reprint (Doorenbos, W., Ann. Inst. Past. 48:457-469, 1932). We recently came across this paper while examining Bhaskaran's Vibrio eholerae mating system. It looks like Doorenbos in 1932 anticipated some of our pres- ent experiments and implicated eholera phages in hemolysin production, antigenic changes, and indol formation. He evid- j fare {ai tL Cc. fef a ently found these supposedly phage influenced traits to he un- ~/ stable which strikes me as a bit suspicious. I suppose my skeptical nature prevents me from concluding that his observ- ations were correct (at least until I can eonfirm some of them myself). With best regards, Yours, BOrw LS S. BARON Dept “OY Baeterial Immunology oe - . _ . . / , - rE Jn use Lop pps sage ETS Mes i CLAY tay Rrowphs un Hip, se Petry et Me (Cb 1999 ? ot , Aitatipr Piece