HY Bill, I've Just returned from a fairly long session at WHO/Geneva, which as you know had preempted my participation at the SUMEX*AIM workshop, JI hope soon to be brlefed by my colleaques here on how that went) meanwhile I seek your advice om some other matters related to WHO, Mahler (the still fairly ‘mew! directoregeneral of WHO) mas asked me to return in September for 2a3 weeks to serve as am informal staff to him in thinking through WHO!s mew orientation for the mext 5 years, AS you may know he 18 a passionate =* one daressay ‘driven! «= personality determined to do something consequential for public health, regardiess of political obstacles to him, He has not been too keen on research as an answer, but has qradually beem reweducatedabout relevance, particularly im response to some new initiatives that a group of us have been formulating about ‘parasitic! disease which of course predominates ao intensely in the poor, tropical countries, There are also some very exciting new developments about the use of genetic hybpids of E, cold x Salmonetia typhi, and amalogous things with cholera and dysentery ‘for producing liveevaccimes for these large scale killers, For mow all this has little to do with SUMEX*AIM, considering how difficult it is to get much lower levels of sophistication to am operational level [though I think our teleconferencing could be used to very great efficacy and economy in the wey WHO works from day to day) and I am very sure there will be many other wrinkies,) / What IT am asking you about {8s whe im NIK IT might be talking to faqudetiy!) for sources of radical mew but good ideas in world health programs, There {8 mothing to limit this to lab, research) in fact Mahier himsel? is moatiy focussed on healthwSERVICES and manpower upgrading, as you might imagine but there ate mo fixed jimits to the discussion, It is mot settled that I will take this om (it would be a substantia! bite {mto my time and eneray during the next year): this depends mostiy on whether T can formulate any ideas that I would give much credit to myself, Bue (t does seem jike a sotentially hightyleld opportunity to respond to a tremendous challenge, Im some ways, the WORLD health system would be easier to model inte an inductive inference planning system than more jocal issues, because one would be working omly with the larqerescale comecepts v= byt I have no illusions about being able to program this very usefully et the present leve! of our apt, But to i)lustrate am example of tcombinatorial! Chence mechanizabie) inferences it did oceur to me to look inte WHO tryimg to sponsor a pharmas ceutical development cooperative industry, to be a publicesector response to the kinds of problems that orivatesenterprise [with FDA om its back) is Peally structurally unable to handie, Need IT say that TESTING such hypotheses {8 perhaos evem more difficult them a molecular formula im DENDRAL! / Josh &-307!?