July 8, 1949. Dr. EF. P. Wigner, Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University, — New Jersey. Dear Dr. Wigner: I recall very well our meeting last year, but as I remember the uain topic of cur conversation concerned the taxonomic problems ef defining bacteria. I remember also that we discussed aging, but I believe that I had not pre- Vicusly heard of the article to which you refer, unless perhaps Szilard had mentioned it. I regret that I an still unable te indicate where this reference may be found. However, may I make two suggestions which might put you on the right track. Firstly, you have in Dr. K. C. Cooper, in the Dept. of Biology, @ man on your own campus whos prebably is better infcrmed on such subjects than I am, and who would, I am sure be glad to discuss the problem with you. Secondly, the only worker in St. Louis of whose interest in aging I am aware is F. V. Cowdry, who edited a compilation sone years ago ontitled "Problems of Aging". This book can probably be found in most medical or biology Libraries and may contain information relevant to your problem. Since, I believe, Szilard or Novicic had also mentioned the matter, they might be in a favorable position to give you a better reference. Dr. Robert Boche, at the Institute of Radioblolegy also, is working muayingx on afing effects of radiations, and can probably be very helpful too. tf am sorry that I cannot be of more direct assistance. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg