. March 8, 1948. Up, W. S. Stone, Dept. of Zoology, University of ‘exas, Austin, Texas. Dear Dr. Stone, I was giad to hear that your group has so much ag run through the first steps in recombination experiments with K~l2 mutants. So far as I am aware, this is the first independ-nt Ngonfirmation", although the mutants have been widely distributed for 4 long time. I might say that results come so fast with coli, that there is 4 lot of unpublished data on segregations of ali kinds of mitants. If anything like that can be of help to you, please lef me know. As to your manuscript. I wish that this kind of data had been published along with your first report, because it certainly mikes Zor a very convincing case. I can gee no pronounced objections to the conclusion that irradiated or peroxide-treated broth probably induces “muiations". uf course without genetic analysis, it is not certain (however likely), as you pointed out, that these are qualitative changes in individual units, but the same could be said for ulmost any mutagenic affect on a microorganism. I have a few co.ments, however, which you may be interested tou hear: 1. From Table 3, it appears that most of the inhibitory effect of irradia’s broth involves the first two hours after inuculation.Table 1 would have been the more cogent if it had involved comparisons of 0 and 2 h. Table 3, however, adequately duplicates the results. 2. Your method of testing for mannitol-fermentation is not clear. Do you use mannitol-agar, and count yellow colonise, or do you pick colonies to separate tubes. @ am not sure/ that it makes any difference, 3. Frankly, the most objectionable aspect of using drug-resistance mutations,as I am sure you will agree, is the variability in expression of the character which is¥f indicated in Table k. You can never be sure tat you ars ccunting all your/mutaunts, be they treuted or not. On the other hand, have youbtesated a great many colonies appearing on drug-plates to ba sure that only mut-ents are counted? 4. During the inhibited period of grath in irradiated broth, do you get a close correspondence bstween your plate counts and the optical density ¥WeoeStone—2- of whe cultures. J ask this because it is a nuclear population in which mutations pre- sumably occur, while your plate count may measure something else. Have you considered using phage-resistance? That has worked, of course, very well with E, coli, but 1 understand that irradiated broth has no effect on coli mtations. - Although these questions couid be clarified, I do not think they are critical enough to-invalidate your general conclusions. As to your interpretation, I am not sure that I follow you. The Demerec' delayed effect can still be satisfactorily explained as a segregation of nuclei or chromatids or whatnot, not to mention phenotypic delay, Do you still adhere to the statement that specific mutations can be induced by irradiating particular components? It seemed to me that this was the strangest support of the "assimilation" hypothesis. a Thurs sincergly; i mye ge, Le oe yw Vid, Ofer et / é f f Noshua Lederberg. ! / HAAS F eWYSS 0 STONE WS—THE EFFECT OF IRRADIATION ON RECOMBINATION IN ESCHERICHIA-COL! . P NAS US 34(6):272-239 54 6R SOF UPAR BRA ee more Read ria Tin mat 4 a