February 16, 1946. Dr. W.3. Stone, Dent. Genetics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Dear Sr. Stone, I received your manuscript this afternoon. Thanks very auch; it arrives in good time. By when would you like to have it back, and aiso the sauwe for the forthcoming "catalase" paper? Meanwhile, I ay desp&aching the four K-12 cultures you asked for: Y-10, Y-53, 58-161 and Y-87. Y-87 is Bul-Lac)-V,". Lac needs a gub- script now because at least 6 other Lactose-negative loci have beed identified. “he Lac- ef Y~53 aad of Y-~87 are, however, allelic, and in my series Lacy. Please jet me know of your results with these strains. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg