WASHINGTON & i) UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SAINT LOUIS (10) DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY EUCLID AVENUE AND KINGSHIGHWAY March 4, 1948 Dre Je Ledarterg Dept. of Genetica University of Wisconsin Colle:ve of Agriculture Madison, 6, Wisc. Dear Josh: Regarding your letter of March 2nd, it is akout time you learned that in the observati.ns of nature, when two apvarently dontradictory rasults are ottained, it is not always inevitatly true that one must te risht and one must te wrong. They both may te right or they toth may be wrong. a . Riwnennbaas Yamal Now with reapect to the particular protlem at hand, we found that it was necessary to dilute the «gran dyes in the EMB plate to the point which permits growt oud de EMB ras This point is different for different atrains of y ’ . .. and I am sorry tnat I am not in the position to give you destynect Kbike the concentration that will permit MA and ma to develop. ,,.. All of our work was done with the galactose fermentin system involving other strains. Tle general level we found was 2 ca. of a 2% eosime and 1/2 aa. of a .5% methylens bive per 100 cc. of mdia For the more sensitive, of course, you would mve to go telow these consentrations. Sincerely yours, Sok. S. Spiege lnm”