Dec. 21, 1949. Dr, Roger Stanaér, Dept. Bacteriology, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. Dear Rog!: Aa you must know, Englesberg has written me about coming here during '50~'51 as a postdoctoral fellow. He gave me very short notice (he needs my endorsement before Jan. 1), so that I have to consider this very hur- ‘rledly. If we can accomodate him at all, our facilities are so limited that he will have to work very closely with the rest of our group — we have no private lab in which he could be insularized. From random talk, I have the impression that he may be a ldttle bumptious. I would appreciate it very guch if you could give me your opinion whether it would be best for both of us for him to work in close proximity for a year. Anything else that you can tell me that would be relevant would also be appreciated. It would be best of all, of course, if we could have a personal interview, but this seems to be out of the question. Shanks very mich, > Simeerely, Joshua Lederta rg