April 22, 1949 Dr. Joseph FE, Smadel Army Medical Department Research and Graduate School Dept. Yirus and Rickettsial Diseases Washington 12, D. C. Dear Dr. Smadel: Dr. A, F. Resemssen suggested that I write to you concerning viristetic acridine deriv:.tives, I have been interested in "disinfecting" lysogenle becteria of the bacteriophage which is tenaciously associated with them. te have had only very sporadic and unreĀ»roducible results with ultra- violet radiation, It was thought that we might huve more success with the help of compounds which would impede virue growth more than that of the host. For this purpose Dr. Rasmussen suggested the nitro- acridine derivatives which he had worked with on the influenza viruses, and referred me to you for possible supply. If available for this purpose, I would greatly appreciute samples of 100 me - 1g. of Nitroakridin 3582, 2enitro-5-aminoacridine, and any other compounds that you think mirsht be worth testing, Any additional suggestions would also be appreciated, Sincerely yours, doshua Lederberg, Assistant Professor of Genstics jw