Professor Gladys Borchers, Chairman, University Committee on sectureahips, 257 Bascom Hall. Sicha Dear Professor Borchers: a Ed you think it appropriate for consideration -bysthé Lectureship Committee, I would appreciate your laying the following request before it, or providing any pertinent suggestions. Dr. Emma Kideneberger~Nobel, of the Lister Institute at London, wrote me that ahe was planning to attend a conference in New York this November on the Microbiology of Cancer. At my instigation, she expressed a willingness to visit this campus, and discuss her (remarkable) work on Filterable Forms of Bacteria. Interest in this subject has been especially stimulated by a review written by her and published recently in Bacteriological Reviews. I suspect that her remarks would be of the deepest interest to everyone on this campus, and there are a great many, who are concerned with the biology of bacteria. The Genetics Department will be able to furnish, from its own funds, $75 towards an estimated $150 which should suffice for Dr. Klieneberger's expenses. It was hoped that the Lectureship Committee might be in a position to match our contribution. Departments whose members would be especially intergsted in such a lecture include Genetics, Bacteriology, Enzyme Institute, Medical Microbiology, and Veterinary Selience. Some of these departments are, however, currently seeking funds to allow visits from scientists attending the International Chemical Conclave, and I have therefore not attempted to solicit more tangible support for the lecture to which this letter refers. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics