April 14, 1965 Dr. B. Cvjetanovic Chief Medical Officer, Bacterial Diseases Division of Communicable Diseases World Health Organization Palais des Nationd, Geneva, Switzerland Dear Dr. Crjetanovic: I was delighted to have an opportunity to review the program submitted under your letter of April 2 for a grant from Professor Jacob's laboratory to allow the visit of Dr. Hirota. Dr. Jacob is one of the outstanding biological scientists of our time and has maintained a steady output of the most fruitful and provocative publications over many years. Dr. Hirota was one of my most gratifying students, and has continued his own splendid work in Japan. Nothing but good can come from the opportunity of these workers to unite their own particular experience and background and insight, and I would give the entire proposal my heartiest endorsement. These studies are of the most fundamental character with respect to basic problems of cellular growth, origin of viruses, and microbial evolution, and are very much in the fabric of world science. Dr. Hirota has, for example, been an important member of the Japanese group who have demonstrated the significance of infectious genetic factors in the spread of drug-resistance among the enteric bacteria. My only comment is one of some disappointment that Profes- sor'gacob's request should be so modest, since $500 a month does not seem to be a realistic measure of an appropriate cost of living in Paris, in view of the stature of the participants. However, as a matter of policy, I suspect it would be unwise to look behind the application in such a regard, and I ean only urge you to give it the most sympathetic consideration. Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics