WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Palais des Nations GENEVA - SWITZERLAND Telegr. : UNISANTE - Geneva In reply please refer to: Priere de rappeler la référence : Dear Dr Lederberg, ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE ASN “eaca\. we —aeE Palais des Nations GENEVE - SUISSE Tel. : 33 10 00 - 33 20 00 - 33 40 00 Télégr. : UNISANTE - Genéve CONFIDENTIAL 2 April 1965 I am forwarding to you herewith an application for a medical research grant which we have received from Professor F, Jacob of the Department of Microbial Genetics of the Pasteur Institute, Paris. In view of your knowledge and experience in this field of research, I should like to ask for your assistance in reviewing Professor Jacob's application. Your review should cover such points as the scientific interest of the project, the ability of the investigator, the adequacy and soundness of the planning, of the techniques to be employed and of the resources available, the reasonableness of the costs and the extent to which, in your opinion, the project merits WHO's support. I must emphasize that this matter is confidential and request you to return to us with your reply the attached application form. If you are able to assist us in this way, a token payment of $25.00 to cover any expenses incurred will be made to you. I should be grateful to you for your early reply. Dr J. Lederberg Department of Microbiology Stanford University San Francisco, California USA Enc. Yours sincerely, B. Cvjdvanovic, M.D. Chief Medical Offic Bacterial Diseases Division of Communicable Diseases ey