IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Refer to: NC8RB-BS FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH BETHESDA 14, MARYLAND June h, 1952 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: meet your able: cinnaties Tt is hoped that the enclosed reprints will request. The following reprints are no longer avail- Andervont, He Be and Bryan, We Re: Properties of the mouse mammary tumor agente J. Nate Cancer Inste 5: 143—1h9 (194). Andervont, He Be: The milk influence in the genesis of mammary tumorse A symposium on mammary tumors in micee Puble of the Ame Assoce for the Advancement of Science, Noe 22, Washington, D. Ce 1945 Shimkin, Me Be and Andervont, He Be: Properties and nature of the milk agent in the genesis of mammary tumors in micee Pe 97, "AeheAcSe Research Conference on Cancer". Science Press. Lancaster, Pa., 1945 Andervont, He Be: The mammary tumor agent and its implication in cancer researche Yale Je Biole and Med. 18: 333=344 (19116). It was indeed a pleasure to meet you in Cin- I intended to write to each of the participants but was assured by higher authorities that letters of appreciation would be sent to youe This, I believe, has been dones Dre Joshua Lederberg men June 4, 1952 As usual the original intent was to have the proceedings published within a month or two after the meeting, but my latest information is that they will now appear sometime during the early fall. Perhaps you could get more precise information by writing to Dr. Brewster 5. Miller, American Cancer Society, 47 Beaver Street, New York h, New York. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, He Be Andervont Enclosures