DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS FACULTY OF MEDICINE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY Joancho- 33, Kitaku, Osaka, Japan, Sert, lo, 1951 Dr. I. Orskov International Salmonelia Centre, Statens Seruminstitute, Copenhagen. Dear Dr. Orskov I am currently working on genetic repression of mating activity of male bacteria cf K-12 by a factor so called drug resistance factor. The mating capacity is supressed if the factor is introduced into a male bacteria. 1 would like to test possibilities whether the repression is caused by change of surface substance of the male bacteria or resultethe other changes of male activity such as inability to form mating bridge. Since your anti-F serum shows very specific on ale substance, the agent seems very valuable and eftective for the experiment. I am grateful if you pew coul. Gere 2€ Sone Ll ye , anti-F serum, and if you couidteis me tne critica conaition to make slide agglutination test. is it same as usual slide aggututination test: I have sent some péprints of my work to you by separate cover. a Sincerely yours, bobtnent Aireta— Jakinori Hirota