DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS FACULTY OF MEDICINE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY Joancho-33, Kitaku, Osaka, Japan. Aug. 7th, 1961 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua-sensei N.I.H. notified that the Public Health Service grant has approved, and the statement of grant award is enclosed with the same cover. This is due to your favor for suggesting to apply the grant, for correcting the manuscript, and for supporting the application. You trained me and gave me the support to push the research forward. I am understanding your kindness as a manifestation of your deep interest on biological science in general, and by your sympathy on students. I would like to do my best to answer this. The world is becomming the smaller and smaller, and hoping we could meet togather at somewhere in sometime, and like to talk on many things on past, on present, and on future things. Please send my best regards to Esther. Again thanking you on your favor, per but Hirota