FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH ™<"IONAL CANCER INSTITUTE BETHESDA 14, MD. . fer to: NC=RB-BS December 17, 1951 AIR MAIL _—_ Gp JZ) Dr. Joshua Lederberg / University of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: Your kind letter of December 12 was most welcome, We are delighted you will be able to parti- ci pate in the program. As stated in my first letter to you, the informal invitation was late, and I feared a reaction such as yourSe I have written to Dr. Brewster S. Miller of the American Cancer Society and have informed him of your final decisions You will be informed immediately as soon as fo the program for the day is definite. / 4 t g It will not be necessary for you te refer to Ce the cancer problem, because as indicated in your letter, \ it will be the duty of the oncologists to recognize the possibilities arising from your work. Any oncologist who is unable to do so should, I believe, leave the field im- mediately. It may interest you to know that Dr. C. Ce Little will occupy the chair for this meeting, and I am sure that he will be able to interpret the importance of your work fvom the standpoint of its bearing on the tumor problem, Most sincerely yours, He B. Andervent