8/31/'60 Dear Josh and Esther Now I am leaving London to Paris with pleasant memories at Lister Institute, and enjoyed sight seeing trips, to tower of London, Westminster abbey, taking a ferry to tower bridge, Buckingham palace, etc. during the stay. As for my work, I spend most of the time on linkage analysis on a cinogenic (gammaE1) factor E1 using Zinder's mating system in LT2. Data is still not enough, though, looks to me, E1-character (gammaE1) shows clear cut segregation in its progeny contrasting cinduction [sic] (by I) where no segregation has been shown. If. E1 is on the host chromosome, there may be a special mechanism [ . . . ], to pick E1 up by I, or activating E1 by I at the time of transfer. And also I enjoyed co-working with DR G Meynall who interest to do genetic analysis on pathogenicity of Salmonella, to make mating [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] (Meynalls [sic] told me about joyful and pleasant memory on [sic] you at the time of your stay at London. and I have heard many good stories from there. Now, they bought new hous [sic], and enjoying set up of their new home. I met Peter at Mill Ale too, and enjoyed to talk with him) system in cross S. typhimurium with S. typhi., and S. entirtidus [sic] with S. typhi., by infection of F1 or wild type F to those strains. Zinder's Hfr seems compatible in cross with S. typhi, and it is possible to infect F13 to a S. entirtidus [sic] strain. During those studies, I am interested to study on those pathogenic bacteria where so many things more not known. Bruce has been stay in his home at most of the time of my stay in Lister because of his summer vacation and writing papers and so on. But he started some experiments using B. subtilis which is sent from Stanford recently, seems to me, he is very much interested on that work hoping that will have big success in near future. A work on o-methyl-lysine mutant of fragella protein and the genetic analysis which is done in this lab. seems very exciting from a point on genetic mechan's [sic] for modification of protein constitution. This kind of mechanism may be quite general one. Anyway, I spend my fruitful days, amid this is due to your thoughtful arrangement. Thanking you. Sincerely yours. Y. Hirota