co Qiang Fle 440547 454 7 HIROTA, Y., Genetics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, Californie: ts of F_factor righ 1p K-22. -- A contaglous plasmid F which occurs In the wild type strain K-l2 confers the capacity to ect as o” In sexual conjugation on strains of Escherichta coll (Lederberg, Cavalli, and Lederberg). Recently, Adelberg and Burns (these abstracts) found a mutant of F termed F' which conveys the Hfr character (High frequency of recombination). On the basis of this finding, we have Isolated distinctive F' mutants from old broth cultures of several Hfr strains. The F' sutants were detected by the conversion of F- strains with which they were Incubated. Each F' mutant controls a characteristic pattern of transfer of loci from the o' chromosome in the linkage sequence similar to that of the original Kfr from which was derived. Like stendard F+ the new F' can be disinfected by acridine treatment (Hirota and tijima) and passed to other F- strains. ---- These results suggested that the F' factor fis split off from the Hfr locus and llberated Into the cytoplasm. Although free of the chromosomal site, It still determines transfer of the chromosome with high frequency, . the potnt of chromosome breakage, and controls the sequence of oriented transfer of genes of the donor chromosome during conjugation. its specificity might be from the retention of a chromosome segment of a chromosome segment of the Hfr parent from which the F' orlginates. Double infection as well es mutual exclusion have been observed In combination of nonidentical F factors. Added note: XKX F' is used [In this abstract as a class term for F mutants of which F® (Adelberg and Burns) is an example. F' (F-prime) should not be confused with Fl (F-one) as they use to denote the wild type F factor. The notation is belng rectified,