Ne ee . lyre ” Pome ee meen July 7, 1959 Dr. Willlam L. Russell Biology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Box Y Qak Ridge, Tennessee Dear Bill: Ed Adelberg called my attention to the confusion that may arise owing to the difference in terminology used in the abstracts of which i am enclosing Thermo-Fax copies. It will not be fatal if F' in Hirota's article Is written so that It can be distinguished from F . If they are confused, there wil! be an out and out contradiction which carnot be but very confusing in a field which is already sufficiently difficult. For that reason, | would urgently request that you add the enclosed note to Hlrota's abstract. This might not have happened except that the notes were sent in just prior to our departure for Europe, a trip from which we have just recently returned. We are in close touch with Adelberg and will take care that this kind of difficulty does not recur. With best regards, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Encl.