augebt 8,1958. My honovre4 SEASEI Joshnu. I .m working on the experiments in full spee4 which .re suggeste’ in your kini letter 4.te4d on august 1. It m.y be possible to .ccomplishe? before my starting to W.Y..( aug.12) On July 24, just 4.y cf your st.rting, Sely.kuv Co, Lt-. sent you twc copies of .uswer of b.ct .g.r. One of it is enclose* herewith. If you wont only one copy, you c.u throw it bes.use the other one is keeping here. Your .bsense in this 1,6. m.kes to feel v.ccume -u' solititute. Hoping you .n4 Ester .re very well .n* see xou ~t Moutrocl. Yours very truly, | Jeers Y. Hirot.