Y Hirota “ yept. of Genetics Facul. of Medicine Osaka University Osaka, Japan. Jan, 24. 1958 Professor J, Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison €, Wisconsin U.S.A. Dear Lederberg-Sensei: I am n planning to reach Madison at pm. 2:41 on Feb. 2, 1958. by N.C.A. Flt. No.191 according your suggestion dated Jan. 15, 1958. This is the eariest plan that I could travel by air : for it is necessary to get the doller assignment of the increased cost , about $ 100, from the govermment offices concerned. In this plan, I leave Tokyo at 9:40 pm. Jan. Ol, via. dan Francisco at 9:30 am.-- 11:30 pm. on Feb. 1 and Chicago at 9:53 am. --1:30 pm. and arrive at Madison 2:41 pm. on Feb. 2. Now 1 am pleasing to meet you st Madisen on that day. Please give my best regards to Mr. T. Iino and other members in your laboratory. Yours very truly. Yukinori Hirota.