Dear Hirota-san ————e I am leaving today for Australia; your letter just arrived, Your papers have been forwarded to the Graduate School. I think you will have to register as a student, but you can occupy yourseii exclusively with researck until you get your bearings. I am sorry that youydid not get your travel grant. However, the $1920 stipend represents an increase of $400 over the past two years, and is a very generous anount. You shaild be mite able to save several hmdred dollars a year fren that amount. I gegret that I cannot offer vou any additional anamt for your first year, Nor can I make any promises about later on, tneugh T will see what can be done. If you have to cummmicate with me again until Novemher, pou cen write to me c/o Professor S, D, Rubbe, Department of | Bacteriology, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraMfa, * fn Bet. Pasheas / if / “4 ys i . fat Ay —_ MA ne 7 df iv t i a oshua Jaderberg