February 27, 1957 x. Y. fro ta G- Dept. etica Medical Faculty, University of Osaka Japan Dear ir. Hirota: The Research Fellowship Coamittee has met, and decided that it would be unsble to evaluate your credentials, and therefore rould withhold an award at this tine, However, I am prepared to offer you a research assistantship et the rete of §1920 per year, beginning February 1, 1954. This is on the assumption that you will be prepared to continue your studies here long enough to mualify for the Ph.v. Do you require any further documents in the immediase future? I am leaving March 6 for ingland, and will return about april /. If you require eny further corresponience meanwhile, you can write we c/o Ciba Fousiation, 41 Portland Place, London W.1, England. However, I would imagine we could arrange most of the details after I return. If you do write to m in England, please send oarbon-—copiss to Medison, for eecurity af the mail is lost. The assistantship I aa offering you is virtually identical with the WARF fellowship for which you applied, and should be equally satis— factory to you. A, Yourg’ dincerely, CY 7 OO eee . wit on Ea pp oh Dp) is at ‘ / (