HIROTA, Yukinori I February 19, 1957 _ Dr. L. A. Fraser Birge Hall Dear Lem: I am forwarding Mr. Hirota's application for a WARF fellowship, with a favorable recommendation on my part. I would rely very strongly on Francis Ryan's judgment. I could add too that Kikkawa is perhaps Japan's best-known geneticist. Hirota has already made a very provocative discovery in the area of my immediate interest. It happens we have been unable to repeat his observation of the removal of the F factor by Cobalt, but as his colleagues have confirmed it, ané he has sent us strains resulting from his treatment that are as they should be, there mist be a subtle difference of experimental coniitions. Hirota is applying for admission in September. While this would be accep&able, I am writing to learn whether he could not as well begin next January, which would suit ot lab. situation a little better. _ Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics