Bept.of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wis. February 19, 1957 Mr. Y, Hirota Department of Genctics ’ Faculty of Medicine f* Osaka University, JAPAN Dear Mr. Hirota: I have now received your application, together with letters of recommendation from your references. It was therefore pos-— sible to send these documents to the University Committee on Fellowships, whieh will review your application. If they award the fellowship, I will be most pleased to have you in my laboratory. However, I must ask that you be free to remain here as long as will be required to obtein your Ph.D. degree. This may require 3-4 years, partly depending on your facility with English. To avoid any misunderstanding, in case you will be waiting te return to a definite position in Japan, you should have a letter from your professor that he is agreeable to this arrangegent. In any case, I will ask your assurance that you can spend this length of time in your studies here. If it is absolutely essential to you, you can plan to come here this September. However, the laboratory will be rather crowded, and it would be better if you could begin in February 1958. That means you shouldplan to reach the Madison about January 25 to arrenge housing etc. There are quite a few Japanese stu ents on campus, including Tetsuo Iino in thés laboratory, which will be sone help to you, I am sure, én your acclimation to a new country. Please let me know if next January would be os satisfactory for you as September. ’ I will be in France and England from March 6 ~ April 5. If the Comittee acts before then, you will hear of it, but please do not be disturbed if you do not get an early reply. We our trying to repeat your acriflavine experiments (using now the correct amount, 20 microg/ml. ) Our first run with 200 mog/ml was not very convincing. I have no dpubt as to the correctness of your finding, but we must findthe conditions for regular repro- ducibility. Please give my regards to Professor Kikkawa, and my thanks for his good part in your application, Yours sincetely, Jeb ved oy Bie. -. orbere |) ‘ / Bfofessor of Genetics