Jamary 1, 1957 AIR MAIL et oe Professor H, Kikkawa Medical Faculty Osaka University Osaka, Japan Dear Professor Kikkawa: cll Francis Ryan has just written me of the possibility chat Kefatrota ) might be interested in coming to this laboratory, Our facilities fo post-doctoral applicants are very limited, but we may have room for graduate students who can remain here long enouch to qualify for the Ph.D, degree, ‘e have had a very happy experience during the past few years with Mr, Tetsuo Iino in this respect. If Mr, lirota's interest is in qualifying for the degree and he has che time that would be necessary to do so, about three vears, I will be very lad to entertain his application for a research Sellowship or research assistantship, These appointmenis will pay approximetely $1900 next year. From thie must be deducted ebout “200 in tuition costs, J regret that we do not have additional funds to cover travel expenses, but Mr, Hirota mirht apply to the Tulbricht Com- mission for a travel grant, we have had some difficulty in our attempt to reproduce the results on the removal F from E, coli by means of cobalt, We heve not so far been able to trace thesouree of the discrepancy, We are now undertaking the more laborious method of repeated selection for cobalt~resistanee, Your impressions of Mr, Hirota's ability would be very well received, If his qualifications are of the same order as those of Nr, Iino op Dr, ¢ Kimura, he will have no difficulty in obtaining support here. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JLanhn P, S, I will be in Australia during the summer of 1957 but will be back in Hiadison by the first of October, If Mr, Hirota comes he should plan to be here by early September go as to register for the fall semester of courses here, I hope it will be possible to indicate final action on his application by the end of March,