July 14, 1955 Dr. Sara EB. Branham (A Division pf Biologics Stahdards you National Institutes of HehAth / Bethedda 14, Maryland i J Dear Dr. Branham: I am afraid I cannot be mech help on genstic recombination in meningo- a cocci. I know of two investigations: i | 1. You are probably already familiar with Alexander and Redman's trans- ii duction experiments (Jour. Exp. Med. 97: 797-806, 1953). I am a little sur- a prised to have no later references on the same topic from Dr. Alexander; per- ad haps she has published recently. Ty 2. A Dr. Gordon Allen (112 Second Avenue, Pelham 65, N.Y.) was interested HOE in the question of genetic recombination a few years ago. Working in Dr. B. D. io Davis' laboratory he obtained, however, only negative resulte in efforts with _ drug-resistance markers. But I believe he gave up when he lost most of his strains one hot day. Nevertheless, it may be profitable for you to write to him, as he may also have maintained an interest in the literature. (Currently he is more cencerned with human than mlerobial genetics. Wh I will be grateful to you for a copy of your review— as for any material i) that may bound on bacterial genetics. Yours sincerely, Joshua Ledergerg Professor of Genetics Enc: 39