Beye 7 RE ss a oe Um UE cn Ee PS Mareh 10, 1949. Dr. A. J. veil, Bronx 66, ee My deat Dr. iieil, Thank you for your asolicitcus letter. I am serry to hear that roa wi not be able to continue your very interesting work. a: came to this department to-organize a program of ressareh in miorobial penotics ยป and after the usual prelininary delays, we sre now in a favorable position to expand our work. I wiil be glad to send you our publications us they appear. | . lately, I have started to work on the problem of induced lysogentoity, which is incredibly comnon not omly in staphylococci but in enteric bacteria. The tranafer of phage to a symbiotic ralationship in a suitable host is rather analogous to type transformation, and I have a suspieion | may be very cloealy connected with it, especially in enterobacterfa. At some later date, I hope to be able to look iato your report on Shigella frou this standpoint. Unfortunately, I have lost the strains which you sent me. If there is any danger that they could not be gotten at some future tims, I wonder if you could put me on their track. | Yours very sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Assistant Professor of Genetics en