LEDERLE LABORATORIES DIVISION PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK + CABLE ADDRESS: LEDLAB - TELEPHONE: PEARL RIVER B01 June 18, 1947 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Botany Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Dear Doctor Lederberg: Enclosed please find a copy of the paper which will appear in the October issue of the Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. Thanks agein for your suggestion concerning terminology. If you do not need the manus- cript any longer I would appreciate having it back - it is the only extra copy I have. Please remember me to Dr. Tatum, * Very sincerely yours, AY. hick ATW/MB As Je Wail, M.D. P, S. I also enclose a copy of the paper on growth requirements which I mentioned to you. If considered under the point of view of mtat- fons it gives data which are of some interest to you.