WASHINGTON @EH} UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SAINT LOUIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY EUCLID AVENUE AND KINGSHIGHWAY June 8 , 1946 Mr. J. Lederberg Yale University Qsborn Botanical Laboratory New Haven, Connecticut Dear Josh: ee 1 received your letter of the sixth. For your purposes I don't think that Octosporus would do, since it is extremely difficult to keep this form in the haploid state. Pombe would probably be preferable, I will send you soon a copy of my stock culture which sporulates very easily so you will not have any diffi- culty isolating the haploid forms. I am puzzled by one statement you made, namely that you would be satisfied by a form that could be obtained in reasonably pure haploid culture, but which can be made to sporulate, if need be. As you probably know, haploidy and sporulation are mutually exclusive so that once you have a culture ina haploid state, no sporulation could possibly occur. One other point I would like to raise; do you have any purpose in confining yourself to the schizo-saccharomycs or wouldn't the saccharomycs @o just as well. It is relatively easy to isolate haploid forms from sereviiae. We shail welcome your brother with suitable pomp and circum- stance. I expect many fundamental findings from your efforts, so keep me informed. ’ Sincerely yours, Sok S. Spiegelman 8S:mm fe oy eptne t 24 Tatar