12M-9-44 CABLE ADDRESS ROKSTITUTE THE HOSPITAL OF THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 66TH STREET AND YORK AVENUE, NEW YORK 21, N. Y. November 15, 1946 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Dear Dr. Lederberg: I enjoyed your letter of November 12th very much. I have not been working with the hemophilic bacteria for a number of years and have no cultures of parainfluenzae or canis. You should have no trouble in obtaining a culture of canis. Practically all male dogs have a slight amount of preputial pus. In meny instances this pus is almost a pure culture of canis. Now in regard to parainfluenzae. I suggest that you might get a culture from Dr. Margaret Pittman who did work, the last time I heard, with the U. S. Public Health Service at Bethesda, Md. You also might try to get a culture from Dr. Colin MacLeod, Professor of Bacteriology, New York University Medical School, 477 First Avenue, New York. a I am sorry I cannot be of more help to you. Sincerely, oot Thomas M. Rivers, M. D. TMR: EH